Saturday, February 5, 2011


The first week of Science Methods class was both fun and interesting, which is great because that really sets the tone for how the rest of the semester may be. Dr. Ludmilla had us make name tags for ourselves so she could learn our names quickly and match our names to our faces. I thought this was great because it really shows that our professor wants to get to know us.

We did a few activities that made us think of our own experiences as science students from when we were younger. This made us realize what kind of teachers we would like to be when having our own classrooms which I feel, will make us better teachers knowing what makes children excited about science.

Inquiry. This was a word we discussed the first day and what it seems like the course will be based off of. According to Websters Dictionary this means: an examination into facts or principles. For me, this means strarting an adventure into being the best science teacher we can possibly be for our future students. The fact that Dr. Ludmilla is so excited about embarking on this journy with our class makes us all that much more excited and worry free. The first day of class was definitely a positive and exciting experience.

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